Friday, May 20, 2011

I got on my knees and begged to the sun

And ever as she went, his image did play
Then immortal passion breathes in
And through a soft countenance did stay
And the priestess spoke again and said
Speak to me with busy murmur vain
And drinking the warm tears and the sweetest of sighs
And he sings to me o'er the equator
This tremulous star sparkles unfathomably
The communion is peaked
His deep penetrations
And a sigh for "I can't bear it!"
Soothly I am sick for you
Thy supreme desire of falling for you, falling apart
Touch the very pulse of this fire
And on a throne overlaid with starlight caught
Sleeps the night with desires wrapped
Gods couldn't change this rhythm
Upon those wandering isles of dew
A pleasure sweet doubtless it was to see
And then their features started into smiles
Sweet as pure heavens over enchanted miles
Through the rain and the mildest mist
Mortals subdued in all the shapes of sleep
Here lay brother and sister in infancy
Alone in youth who in their dreams did weep
Two lovers linked innocently
In their loose locks which over both did creep
They are like ivy from one stem
And there lay their calm
Now age old and folded palm
No voice from some sublimer world hath ever
To sage or poet these responses given
Remain the records of their vain endeavour
Frail spells whose uttered charm might not avail to sever
From all we hear and all we see
His doubt, their last chance, insouciance and mutability
Thy light alone like mist over her curves
Or music by the redolent night-wind sent
Through strings of some still instrument
Or moonlight on a midnight stream
Wild is the wind as it blows down their hallowed halls
Gives grace and truth to life's unquiet dream
You penetrate my mind
Slowly, deeply, rhythmically
Diving into ecstatic reaction
We transcend reality into some world
Strange fits of passion have I known
And I will never dare to tell
But in the lover's ear alone
What once to me befell
Deftly removes all my clothes
His bursts of mellifluous eroticism
Lilting and rockin' and a 'rollin
Erotic sirens god call
Suckle me, honey...