Many a mingled close
Upon the hill
And she lived alone in this wild home
And her own thoughts were each a whisper unto herself
Clothing themselves within oceans foam
Of wild eolian sounds and the scent of the sea so keen and close
To work with whatever purposes might come
Darkness reigned and rained it did
Yet he sat alone
He looked so slight and worn
My baby beaten down, a man without his throne
Dare not touch his shapely face
Beautiful King so sad and forlorn
So shocked by what I saw, I darest not meet his eyes
Slipped from her graces, she barely recognises him now
Broken pages on the edge of night
Into her mind, prayers of such power, her mighty Sire
Whose words were once winged and wise
He said their tales were true
Through all the regions which he used to shine upon
Within, above, around his bowers of starry skies
He used to move the sea-flowers in their purple caves
Now merely silent scriptures of the lonely trees
Even as the ever stormless atmosphere
Floats o’er the Elysian realm
No storm could overwhelm her like his own
She sailed wherest he flowed
Once strong Poseidon of my stormy kingdom
Under their calm serenity, he is now drowned
What happened to you?
Who beat you down?
The horizontal luminous aether
He once stripped heaven, once stripped her bare
Her aethereal host
Whilst from all the coast
Louder and louder, gathering round, they wandered
Over the oracular woods and past the divine sea
Prophesying o'er their fate
When next day the maiden and the boy
Each with the thing, which each believed true
Only in fancy till the seventh moon shone
With visions clear of deep affection
Of mortal men and what she did to them
And Gods entangled in her sweet ditties
Unto his will, he slammed her subtle fate
A tale more fit for the sombre winter nights
Scarcely believe much more than we can feel now
To the fulfilment of their inmost thought
These thoughts seized me and I could not move
What be thy fate now that it's too late
And timid lovers who had once been so coy
They hardly knew whether they loved or not
T'was but a dream
Once they rose out of their rest and knew such sweet joy
A second, a minute, an hour, their lifetime
See you in the next one
Such a beautiful, untouched lonely feeling place
Such a fine part of what I call the faraway
It is a place you have painted before remember
Even now and evermore
Here is this world
Here is this mouth
This temple her home
Her fortune was a wish
Her prophecies were you