Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wisp of our world

Whispering electricity to make your blood pound
And your heart gasp
Fiery light that disappears every dawn
And wakes itself glowing and blushing again and again
Never sleeping but dreaming
And your sweet hand to your chest with wide eyes and smiling kissed lips
I would again and again die discovering you
Sinking into you
Serving your every inspired wish
Elevating your visions to celestial theatre in the sky
In the moon reflected sunlight
I would hunt you and devour you in the desert
Feel your skin press
Hot against stone and rock
Horizon red and flat all around
Life is long
I may be summoned by my Lords
To mark the edges of the new map with hard black ink
There be dragons here
The men below swing in their hammocks
Tilting and swaying storm
We just love restrictively
My old and lovely head
I love you most of all
In the meshes in my head
You do me like you do
The wind blows only chance
But I can't sit still
So baby let's dance

Dig it!